Delhi University released information considering recommendations suggested by UGC in its letter D.O.No.22- 8/2023(CU) dated October 04, 2023, and on the request of few candidates and Colleges, the University has decided to hold a Mop-up Admission Round for admitting candidates in the shortlisted Colleges and Programs only.
1. The University will display the list of shortlisted Colleges and Programs on its admission website (www.admission.uod for which Mop-up Admission Round will be held as per the schedule.
2. Interested candidates should apply to the respective College as per the schedule and procedure published by the concerned College on its website.
3. There will be no registration fee for applying to the Mop-up Admission Round.
4. While registering, the candidates must ensure their documents are updated and valid. To fill the seats optimally, the Colleges may take recourse to the following:
5. a) CUET-2023 normalized scores as per Program-specific eligibility (published in the BOI(UG) 2023 and CSAS(UG)-2023) to form the merit.
b) In case the seats remain vacant after exhausting CUET-2023 applicants, College may admit candidates on the basis of the marks obtained in the qualifying examination. 6.
Tie-breaking rules, if any, will be applicable as stated in CSAS (UG)-2023. At the time of granting the admission, Colleges will check the Minimum eligibility, Program Specific eligibility, Category documents and other aspects stated in Bulletin of Information UG (2023) and as CSAS (UG)-2023, except to the extent as mentioned above. No admissions will be done on Supernumerary scats. 7. 8.
The list of Shortlisted colleges
The Central University released the list of colleges that have been shortlisted for vacant seats under the mop-up admission round below. Check the list of these colleges here.
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