Territorial Army Recruitment 2022: The Territorial Army is expected to release the notification soon and start the online application process for the recruitment of Young Citizens Territorial Army Officers on its website – jointerritorialarmy.gov.in. The process of online registration for the Territorial Army can start in the first week of July.
Candidates will be called for a written exam which is likely to be held in the month of September 2022. Candidates are advised to keep an eye on the official website for latest updates. Here you can check eligibility, selection process, standard and syllabus. Through this recruitment process, 12 posts of male candidates and one post of female candidates are to be filled. However, these posts can be increased or decreased according to the need.
Talking about the salary, the salary of Rs 56,100 – 1,77,500 will be available for the post of lieutenant. 6,13,00 – 1,93,900 rupees per month will be available on the post of Captain. 6,94,00 – 2,07,200 per month salary will be available for the post of Major. For the post of lieutenant colonel, salary will be Rs 1,21,200 – 2,12400 per month. 1,30,600 – 2,15,900 per month salary will be available for the post of Colonel. For the post of Brigadier, Rs 1,39,600 – Rs 2,17,600 will be paid per month.
Territorial Army Exam Qualifying Marks
To pass in the exam, candidates must have at least 40 percent marks in each subject. And the total marks should be 50 percent.
How to Apply
To apply, first go to jointerritorialarmy.gov.in.
You will find the link to apply on the homepage of the website. Click on it.
Now the necessary details asked for there will have to be filled.
While filling the application form, you must decide carefully about your choice for the exam centre.
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