Dr Rajendra Prasad Kendriya Vidyalaya,President’s Estate hosted the 50th Rashtriya Bal Vaigyanik Pradarshani 2023 at regional level on 24th April in the vidyalaya premises .Shri S S Chauhan , Deputy Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Delhi Region inaugurated the Pradarshani as Chief Guest. Around 266 students from 46 Kendriya Vidyalayas of Delhi participated in it to showcase their 241 projects and exhibits prepared by them on the main theme, “Technology and Toys” and seven sub themes – Advancement in Information and Communication Technology, Eco friendly material, Health and Cleanliness, Transport and Innovation, Environmental Concerns, Historical Development with current innovation and Mathematics for us.

About 25 students participated in the seminar conducted on the topic, ÒScientific Innovation for Sustainable Future”. 23 scientists as judges from various reputed organizations were present to select the best exhibits for participation at National level. Mrs Poonam Malik, Assistant Commissioner, Delhi Region, who graced the occasion as the guest of honour was highly appreciative of the projects based on artificial intelligence, innovative projects based on seven themes and the arrangements made by the venue principal Dr. Charu Sharma.