Jamia Millia Islamia(JMI) Vice-Chancellor Prof. Najma Akhtar flagged off a “G20 Walkathon” on 21st March, 2023 as part of a year-long celebration of India’s G20 Presidency in the university. Under the leadership and guidance of the Vice-Chancellor more than two hundred G20 Volunteers from different departments and centres of JMI including NSS volunteers, faculty members, and non-teaching staff walked through various parts of the north campus of the university situated in gate number 7. Volunteers wearing G20 logo T-shirts carried the banners and placards displaying India’s G20 Presidency.
Flagging off the march, the Vice-Chancellor said, “Jamia has embarked upon celebrating India’s G20 Presidency on a wider scale by organsing various programmes such as G20 Lectures Series, Symposiums, Panel Discussions, Sports and cultural events etc. and many are to organise in near future. The purpose of these events are to spread the message of India’s G20 presidency to students,faculty members and staff of the University and nearby areas.

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Prof. Nazim Husain Al Jafri, Registrar, JMI was the Guest of Honor in the event. The G20 logo T-shirts were sponsored by Indian Bank, JMI branch.

The Walkathon was organised by G20 University Connect Programme Committee (Prof. Asheref Illiyan, Prof. Shahid Ahmed, Prof. Abdul Quaiyum Ansari and Prof RahelaFarooqi) was graced by Prof. AtiqurRahman, Chief Proctor,JMI, Mr. Zafar, Manager Indian Bank, JMI branch, Dr.ViqarSiddiqui, Coordinator NSS, Dr. VasimAkram and Dr.ZahidSiddique of Dept. of Economics, Dr. Rahisuddin, Dept. of Chemistry,Prof. LubnaSiddiqui, Department of Geography,JMI.
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