Cracking the REET 2022 exam can be a challenge for many candidates as the level of competition for this exam is quite high due to the increase in the number of applicants this year. This time a total of 15,66,992 candidates have applied, out of which 13,65,831 candidates are the natives of Rajasthan. According to the announcement made by Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, around 46500 posts are to be filled through REET 2022 exam.
That’s why we have come up with last moment best tips that can help you crack REET 2022 online exam in a great way.
Revise the Important Topics
REET 2022 exam will be conducted in two levels – primary level (for classes 1 to 5) and upper primary level (for classes 6 to 8). There will be 150 questions of one number each in the primary level teacher exam. There is no negative marking for wrong answers. So the candidates should revise the important topics.
Time Management
You need to devote proper time to those sections which are your strength areas. Try not to give it more than a minute while solving any question. Instead of getting stuck in a particular question, move on to other questions.
Practice Previous Year Papers & Mock Tests
Candidates are advised to practice previous year papers and mock tests to increase the speed of solving the paper. REET Paper-1 is for primary level (for classes 1st to 5th) and paper-2 is for upper primary level (for classes 6th to 8th). Practice previous year papers of Paper-1 and Paper-2 separately.
Read the Complete Question First
Candidates need to avoid the mistake of reading incomplete questions and eventually giving wrong answers. Read the questions carefully and understand what is being asked.
Maintain your Speed & Accuracy and Maximize your Score
Remember that there is no negative marking on Paper-1 and Paper-2. So, your job is just to make your score higher, however you can. So, try to maintain your speed and accuracy while solving the paper during the exam.
Don’t forget your Admit Card, Photograph and ID Proof
Do not forget to take the admit card along with the photo and the original ID proof along with its photocopy. It is necessary to show it for entry in the exam center. Check the exam date and shift timings carefully.
Also Read – NEET UG Latest Update: Aspirants To Get Extra 20 Minutes Time To Attempt Questions
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