8 morning habits that can make your day

P.C: Unsplash

P.C: Unsplash

Sleep early so that you can wake up early, and sleep uninterruptedly for a minimum of 7 hours

Get an uninterrupted sleep

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Don't start your day by complaining what you don't have, instead, focus on what you have

Practice gratitude everyday

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Stop scrolling your feed for hours, try to avoid your phone for at least an hour after you wake up

Avoid using phone when you wake up

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Hydrate yourself as soon as you wakeup

Drink water

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It may seem like a small task to do, but it helps your mind to be clear 

Make your bed, always

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If not for an hour, try to exercise your body even for 15 minutes as it helps to make your day productive


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There's a saying 'you speak what you eat' that means what you eat shows on your personality. Don't cloud your body with unhealthy food

Eat a healthy breakfast

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Make a list of your tasks and plan your day accordingly, it helps preparing you further

Make a to-do list