7 tips to help you cope with exam stress

Remember to breathe Setting aside a couple of minutes every day to practice mindfulness techniques, such as breathing exercises or UCL's 10 Minute Mind, helps you to calm down your body's stress response and shift your attention back to the present moment.

Eat, sleep and exercise well Pulling all-nighters, surviving on a poor diet, and getting minimal amounts of movement into your day can increase symptoms of anxiety.

Set realistic goals Setting realistic goals, whether you have several weeks, days or hours before your exam, helps you to put everything into perspective.

Don't go it alone In 2004, a research paper published in Linguistics and Education saw that revising with peers is an effective study technique as it allows individuals to better absorb their own notes.

Pace yourself through panic Panicking before, during or even after an exam is common among university students. If you experience it at any point, take six deep breaths, hydrate yourself, and then go back the problem at hand, being sure to break it down into several, manageable chunks

Believe in yourself When being constantly faced with new challenges, we often forget to look back at how far we have come and how much we have already achieved.

If you feel like you are struggling, talk to someone Asking for help is never shameful. In the most extreme cases, it can help save a life. When struggling, talk to friends, family, or your personal tutor about how you are feeling.