Research for better academic performance
How students stress originates In particular, this stress originates from the belief that there is only one or very limited number of colleges that will allow the student to succeed in his/her professional life.
Choices after school The main cause for this situation is the choices they made after school which proves that sound career and college counselling was not available or offered to these pupils and they ended up selecting a subject that was not apt for them.
Students should take advise from counsellors While there are many undergraduate courses being offered by colleges across the country and abroad, filtering it down to just a few needs, research and guidance.
How to select college Before selecting colleges, students must decide what courses of study they are going to pursue, bearing in mind their academic interest and performance at the school level.
Important aspect of choosing a college: One of the most important aspects of choosing a college is financial prospects. Many students aspire to study in the best-known colleges or study abroad but since graduation is an engagement for 3-4 years, students need to be clear about the required budgets and their financial resources.
Role of counsellors: Finally, the role of counsellors at schools cannot be ignored. They need to walk the extra mile by offering services beyond their reach.
Experimentation and exploration are key aspects to discover one's 'true calling'. With the constant shifts and changes in the careers field, the present need is to take up an education course that allows for the so-called unconventional jobs and being future-ready at the same time.