Find out where your time goes. Track your time for one week and then analyze the results.
Plan ahead. At the end of each week, sit down in a quiet location for 15-20 minutes and plan out your week ahead
Prioritize. Prioritize your list from most important to least important activities and projects, and then block out uninterrupted time to accomplish your most important items.
Eliminate the non-essential. Use any remaining time on your calendar to schedule lesser important activities.
Set goals. When you get up each morning, set goals for yourself as to what you plan to accomplish that day
Avoid multi-tasking. It took me a long time to learn to focus on one activity or project at a time and then when that one is complete, move on the next (instead of trying to multi-task).
Just say, “No.” Learn to say, “No” more. If you understand what you need to accomplish every day of each week then you’ll be in a better position to say, “I’m sorry. I can’t help you with that this week because I have four very important projects I need to finish first.”