Tell me something about yourself. How hard can it be to talk about yourself? We do it on a daily basis without much thought to it.

How did you hear about this position? Although at first glance this might seem like a straightforward question, you should grab any opportunity you can to show your interest in the company

Why did you decide to apply for this position? Through this question, the interviewers want to assess how passionate you are for the position

What are your biggest strengths? There are two answers you could go for here: what your actual strengths are, and what you think the hiring manager wants to hear

What is your biggest weakness? Ah, this is always a tricky one!

What do you know about this company/organization? A quick search in the “About” page of the company/organization you are applying for should be enough, right? Well, yes and no.

Why should we hire you? Ah, the ultimate humble-brag question.

What are your salary requirements? This is always a tricky question.