Be on time. This often means 10-15 minutes early. Interviewers often are ready before the appointment.

Listen carefully to the interviewer. Be sure you understand the question; if not, ask for clarification, or restate it in your own words.

Bring several copies of your resume. Also, bring a copy of your transcript. Carry your papers in an organized manner.

Tell the truth. Lies and exaggeration will come back to haunt you.

Be prepared for personal questions. Some interviewers may not know what they can and cannot ask legally.

Expect to spend some time developing rapport. Don’t jump right in and get down to business. Follow the interviewer’s lead.

Close on a positive, enthusiastic note. Ask what the next step will be. Thank the interviewer for his/her time and express your interest in the job

No interview is complete until you follow up with a thank-you note. Express your appreciation for the interview and, if true, reaffirm your interest. This last step can make a difference. Don’t forget it.